Turn off the power, call us immediately

The action before data recovery process, such as, when harddisk or USB etc media data lose occuried, please shut it down, your cooperation can raise our successful recovery percentage.
As you are so anxious when the data lose occuried, and the situation became much worst. If you are facing the following problems, please shut it down and contact us.

The conflict between OS information and the memory, the error message "Format before OS execution" founded. Please click "No" to cancel the operation. Once you choose"Yes", the format box will display. Please stop it and contact us immedately.

Even though the media well connected, the message "Please insert the disc" , "Read/write error" message founded. It is a very normal conditions as failure to read the management information or by physical damage.

When the harddrive was unable to recongize, or in initialization mode. As the power supply or mechanical fault may led to I/O device error. Please shut it down and contact us.

Please stop to use if deleted data by accident. If it keeps going to use, your data maybe overwrite and recovery failure. Data lose without any reasons may due to the power supply or mechanical failure. Please contact us for advise.

Nowadays, the recovery programs are more common and user-friendly, however, it can only solve some simple problems only. Sometimes, using the program to restore the physically damaged hard disks may worsen the situation. Please contact us if you are unable to recover your data (The charge for physcial damage are higher).

It is not rare that when insert medias, like USB or CD devices, message displayed "Please insert disc". For USB devices, it is possible that there is an internal physical structure failure. Please stop using it and contact us.

When Cyclic redundancy check(CRC) of data occurred, it may deteriorate if you still continue using your computer. Please stop and contact us.

Some potential dangers, such as execution of scan disk, may deteriorate the damages of the hard drive. These may not only apply to the windows O/S system, but also to the Macintosh system, where the hard disk become unreadable.